How to Remove Old Blood Stains from Clothes

How to Remove Old Blood Stains from Clothes – 5 Different Methods

No matter what stain we talk about, it will ruin the look of your cloth. But there are different processes to remove any kind of stains. So, how to remove old blood stains from clothes? Well, here we (Rig My Home) have specifically talked about how you can remove blood stains from your clothes. There are a lot of methods …

No matter what stain we talk about, it will ruin the look of your cloth. But there are different processes to remove any kind of stains. So, how to remove old blood stains from clothes?

Well, here we (Rig My Home) have specifically talked about how you can remove blood stains from your clothes. There are a lot of methods you can use. But we have narrowed it down to 5 methods. These are our top picks. So use whichever is best for you. And if one doesn’t work, there’s always another one you can use. 

Is it Possible to Remove Old Blood Stains from Clothes?

Blood stains are one of the most stubborn stains to remove from any fabric. Yes, you can certainly remove any blood stain. But there are ways you can remove the stain. And the process of the removal is not that difficult. Nor you will be needing specialized tools or products to remove the stain. 

There are a lot of ways you can remove a blood stain. But down below you can find out the top picks. So let’s jump into that!

How to Remove Blood Stains from Clothes?

As we have mentioned, removing blood stains is possible. And there are a lot of ways you can remove a blood stain. But some of the process can be quite lengthy and tedious. The below-mentioned ways are our top picks. So, let’s get started on how to remove old blood stains.

Water with Soap

Using water and soap is the most simple and no-brainer technic to remove blood stains. If you are wondering how to remove old blood stains from white sheets? This is one of the most effective ways. 

How to Remove Old Blood Stains from Clothes

Step 1: Flip the Cloth where the Stain will be Downwards

Firstly, you need to flip your cloth outside. This is to make sure the water and soap are working at their best inside the fabric. It’s hard to remove a stain because the stained particle sticks to the fabric. Now you need to unstick it from it. 

But there are a lot of different types of fabric. That is why it’s best to be sure about what you are working with. Such as fabrics made out of wool and artificial particles needs to be rubbed gently. Otherwise, they can be easily damaged. So, check the label on your cloth. 

Step 2: Soak the Cloth in Cold Water

Soak the cloth in cold water. Soaking is a necessary step. Because in most cases there are loose particles of the stain which can be easily removed. Even an old stain can have loose particles on the surface level. Soaking them will make them soft and easier to clean. 

Step 3: Scrub the Soap on the Stained Spot

You can use a bar of soap, dish soap, or liquid soap in the stained area. We tried out a bar of soap since it’s the most widely available. Rub the bar of soap on the stain of the cloth. 

One thing to be sure, you need to flip the cloth outside at this time. Since the stain will be on the outside, the soap needs to be applied there. 

Step 4: Rub the Stained Area on the Cloth 

Now that the soap is applied, you need to rub the cloth to take the stain off. The best way to run the cloth is against itself. Firstly, placing the stained area in the middle, grab the cloth on each side of the stain. Now bring your finger close to the middle and rub it against itself. 

This will make sure the stain will be rubbing against itself. This grinding effect is more efficient and effective in stain removal procedures. 

Step 5: Apply More Soap 

When you are scrubbing the cloth against itself, you might see the soap melting away. In this case, apply a bit more soap. In this step, it’s easier to apply any liquid soap rather than a solid one. 

Step 6: Repeat the Process if Needed

If you are lucky you might see the stain will fade away after one wash. But if it has not, you have to repeat the process. By repeating the process 2 or 3 times, you will find your cloth free from blood stains. 

And this is the most simple and easy way to remove blood stains. This is also the best way to remove dried blood stains from sheets.

Using Meat Tenderizing Powder

How to Remove Old Blood Stains from Clothes

The second method we have here needs a specific product. And this product is a cooking material rather than a cleaning. In this method, you need a meat tenderizing powder. Sounds weird right? But let’s see how it works. 

If you are worried about how to remove old blood stains from a shirt? This is the right method for you. 

Step 1: Add Water with Meat Tenderizing Powder

To begin with, you need to mix the meat tenderizing powder with water. This will make a paste which you will apply on the stain. And this paste will remove the stain. The mixture will be 1 tbs of the powder with the necessary water needed to make a paste. 

Step 2: Rub the Mixture on the Stained Area

After you made the paste, spread the paste across the blood-stained area. You have to gently rub the paste as well. The rubbing will make sure the paste is going inside the stain rather than seating on it. Let the paste sit on the stain for an hour. 

Step 3: Wash the Mixture with Water

You need to wash the cloth with cold water after 1 hour. You can leave the cloth under running water. You can also soak the cloth in water and leave it there uninterruptedly. 

Step 4: Wash the Cloth

After the paste has rinsed away, you can wash the cloth like regular. After washing the cloth, make sure to air dry the cloth. If you were planning to dry the cloth in the dryer, that would be a bad idea. Because the heat can make any stain left permanent. 

You can repeat the whole process if the stain has not gone properly. This is also an effective way how to remove old blood stains from jeans.

Use Enzymatic Cleaners

Before you start using this method, you have to know this process isn’t for wool or silk-based fabric. The enzymatic dissolves any protein from the stain. And since wool and silk are protein-based, they will dissolve the cloth as well. Follow the steps to know how to remove an old blood stain from clothes.

But you can use it on any other clothes. 

How to Remove Old Blood Stains from Clothes

Step 1: Soak the Cloth in Cold Water

To start with, you have to soak the clothes in cold water. The soaking will make the stain loose and make it soft. So the stain will come off easier. You can also use your fingers and scrape the stain loose. 

Step 2: Apply the Cleaner to the Cloth

The enzymatic cleaner comes in regular washing liquid bottles. To apply it, drain the soaked water from the bucket and leave only the stain area inside the bucket.

Now, add one cap full of the cleaner and rub it on the cloth. You have to leave it at least for an hour. But if the stain is quite stuck and in a large area, you can leave it up for 8 hours. 

Step 3: Wash the Cloth

After the enzymatic cleaner has done its job, you will find your cloth free from stains. Now you just wash your clothes like regular. But also in this method, it’s better to air dry the cloth. Since the heat from the dryer will make any residual stain permanent. 

If you are thinking about how to remove an old blood stain from cotton? This is an effective way. 

Sunlight and Lemon

This is another really basic and simple method to remove stains from clothes. Using lemon to remove stains has been around in many cultures for many periods. And yet still this is a very effective method to remove stains. So let’s learn about it. 

Step 1: Soak the Cloth in Cold Water

As with all the methods. You need to soak your cloth in cold water. This will make the cloth wet and ready for the next step. 

Step 2: Wring the Cloth Down to Slightly Soaked

You need the cloth wet, but not dripping wet. Too much water will dilute the strength of the lemon and decrease its effectiveness. So you need to wring the cloth and reduce some of the water. Wring the cloth to slightly wet. 

Step 3: Put the Cloth in a Zip Lock Bag

Now put this slightly wet cloth in a ziplock bag. Make sure the zip lock bag is big enough so that later on you can rub it around. 

Step 4: Add Lemon Juice and Salt Mixture to the Bag

You need to use 2 lemon worth of juice inside the bag. Firstly, put the wet cloth in the bag and add the lemon juice to it. You also need to add a bit of salt. This makes the mixture more strong. 

After adding the cloth, lemon juice, and salt mix everything. Afterward, leave the cloth in the bag for 15 minutes or more. But no longer than an hour. Any longer than that can damage the cloth itself. Since lemon juice is acidic. 

Step 5: Dry the Cloth on the Sun

Now, air dry your cloth under the sun. the heat and the UV light from the sun will increase the effectiveness of the lemon more. This will make the stain looser and easier to come off. Leave the cloth for an hour or until it’s just damp. 

Step 6: Wash the Cloth

Bring the cloth back and rinse it under water. Remove all the lemon juice and wash it regularly. It’s best to let it dry under the sun again. Since the heat from the dryer can make any blood stain more permanent. 

This is how you can how do you remove dried blood stains from clothes. 

Stain Removers

The last thing we suggest you do is use a stain remover. The stain remover is the last resort we want you to go to. Because depending on the type of fabric there are different stain removers. If you use the wrong kind, there is a chance you may damage the cloth. 

So, what are the types of stain removers?

Try the Stain Remover on a Corner of the Cloth First

Before you try on any stain removers, we recommend using them on the corner of the cloth first. That is to make sure the stain remover will work correctly. Sometimes a stain remover can create burnings or permanent damage. 

  • Use White Vinegar if the Fabric is Delicate

White vinegar is an alternative to lemon juice. It’s more acidic than lemon juice and can remove stains easily. Check the label before using any stain remover. 

Apply the vinegar to the stained spot and leave it for 30 minutes. After that, rinse the cloth under cold water. Repeat until the stain goes away. 

If you are worried about how to remove dried up blood stains from clothes? This is an effective method.

  • Use Hydrogen Peroxide on White Cloths

Hydrogen peroxide is a really strong acid. You need to be careful about yourself more than the cloth this time around. Also, this applies only to white clothes. 

If you are using a spray bottle, spray directly on the stain. But also, you can use cotton balls to apply the acid. Apply the acid and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes. Also, leave the cloth in a dark area. 

After 5 to 10 minutes. Wash the cloth as regular. But be sure you are using cold water. 

  • Use Ammonia Mixture on Cotton Cloths 

If your cloth is made of cotton or cotton blend, this is the stain remover to use. Also, this time around, you better should dilute the ammonia with a lot of water. To be precise use 15 ml or 1 tbs ammonia with 1 liter water. 

Soak the cloth in the water and leave it for 15 minutes. Check back on the stain. If the stain is still there, leave it in the solution for a bit long. When the stain is gone, run the cloth under cold water and wash the cloth as regular. 

This is how to remove old blood stains from cotton fabric. There are other methods, but this is effective for cotton fabrics.

FAQs on How to Remove Old Blood Stains from Clothes

Can old blood stains be removed?

Old blood stains can be removed. Old blood stains are a bit more stubborn than a new stains. In a case of an old blood stain, you have to use a stronger stain removal method. Such as a stain remover, enzymatic remover, or enzymatic meat tenderizer depending on your cloths fabric type.

How do you get old dried blood out of clothes?

Before you use any stain remover, soak the cloth in water and try to scrap the blood stain. In some cases, the old dried blood can easily fall off after drying out. After that, give the cloth a regular wash. If there’s a stain, try to rub the area against itself with soap and take the stain off.

Does vinegar remove old blood stains?

Vinegar does remove old blood stains. You can use a tablespoon of vinegar or spray the vinegar directly on the stain. Leave the vinegar to do its work for at least 10 to 20 minutes. Wash the cloth as regular and the stain should be gone.

What is the best stain remover for period blood?

The best stain remover for period blood is using ⅔ baking soda and ⅓ water mixture. Make the mixture into a paste and leave it on the cloth for 30 minutes or overnight. Afterward, wash the cloth like regularly and the stain should come off.

Can toothpaste remove old blood stains?

Toothpaste can help remove a blood stain, but it’s not as effective as some of the other methods. If you want to use toothpaste to remove blood stains, apply the toothpaste on the stain directly. Leave the toothpaste on the stain for at least an hour. Wash the cloth like regular after that.

Does Vanish remove blood stains?

Applying varnish on a blood-stained cloth can remove blood stains. It’s better to follow the packet instructions if you are using Vanish. But first, soak the cloth in water and apply Vanish on the stained spot. Run the vanish in and let it sit for up to an hour. Afterward, wash the cloth as regular. And the stain should be gone.


So, now you know how to remove old blood stains from clothes?

We all love our clothes. And a blood stain can come from a nosebleed or an unanticipated period. But with these methods, you can easily clear out the stain. 

Be careful while following some of the methods. Some stain removers can damage you more than your clothes.

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Hugo is a knowledgeable writer in the field of vacuums, cleaning supplies, and washroom products. He has a wealth of experience in this industry and is always up-to-date with the latest cleaning technology and techniques. Hugo's writing is practical and informative, and he provides useful advice and recommendations to help his readers make informed decisions about which cleaning products and equipment to purchase. He has a deep understanding of the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, and he shares his expertise to help his readers achieve this goal. Hugo's writing covers a wide range of topics, including vacuum cleaners, cleaning chemicals, washroom supplies, and more. His writing is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to keep their home or business clean and well-maintained.

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